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Brisbane's best burgers - Benz on Miller WINS Triple M award

If you're wondering where Brisbane's best burgers are, look no further than Benz on Miller. 

Triple M ran a competition to find the best burgers in Brisbane and Benz on Miller took the win, with a landslide victory. 

"Thank you Triple M for the opportunity," said founder, Ben Kirk.

"Thanks to our whole team for putting in the work everyday to get us this far but most of all thank YOU Brisbane for following us around town, eating our burgers and supporting our family. We really are grateful."

The competition was open to nominations for burger joints across Brisbane, and Triple M said they were astonished at the volume of nominations that came in for Benz on Miller. 

We at Benz were honoured to win this award, and so grateful to the community for supporting a locally owned and operated brand! 

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